Innsbrucker Naturfilm – Festival + EU Funding & Tenders Portal
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen!
Für alle aktiven und zukünftigen Filmschaffenden: Die Einreichung für Filme zum Thema Boden im Rahmen des Innsbrucker Naturfilm – Festivals ist eröffnet:
Now it is the perfect time to submit your film! | |
Have you made a film on the topics of nature / environment / sustainability and good living? Submit it to our international film competition!
The 23rd edition of the INFF will take place from 9 to 13 October 2024, and we are looking forward to new environmental or nature documentaries (or feature films), a short film for kids or an animated short film (completed in or after 2022).
Our Call4Entries starts now and ends on 22 May. Films that have not yet been completed can also be submitted.
We are pleased to be able to offer the WILD WOMEN AWARD as a special prize again this year, which we launched in 2021 (won in 2023 by director Sönje Storm for her film “Dead birds flying high”).
We will do everything we can to make this 23rd edition as creative and diverse as possible!
To find out more about the Innsbruck Nature Film Festival 2024 prizes, entry requirements and what else happens during the festival, check out this website and click on INFF Filmfreeway for submission. Johannes Kostenzer Katja Trippel Elisabeth Stark Festival Directo Film Curator Executive Director
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Herzliche Grüße,
Andreas Baumgarten
Präsident ÖBG