IUSS excursion to Peru
Dear colleagues,
members and co-workers of the IUSS Working Group WRB.
We would like to update information about this year's WRB excursion to Peru, scheduled on August 10-17, 2025, from Titicaca lake to Amazon basin. Please find the link to the 3rd circular, containing in particular new fees.
Please note the deadline for on-line registration: February 28, 2025.
Great thanks to Sandro Sardon Nina and Juan Carlos Loaiza-Usuga, coordinators of the workshop.
Among the other upcoming workshops and conferences, we would like to focus your attention on the following.
* Joint meeting of IUSS Division 1 'Soils in Space and Time', with the Global Soil Security community and the Canadian Society of Soil Science: "Soils for our future - a gathering of global to local perspectives”, Winnipeg, Canada, July 20-25, 2025: www.soilsforourfuture.ca
* EUROSOIL 2025, Sevilla, Spain, September 8-12, 2025: https://eurosoil2025.eu/
For the first time, the European Soil Judging Contest will be held in the week preceding EUROSOIL, in Alcoi, Alicante, Spain: https://esjc.es/
You are welcome to watch the progress of the ‘WRB Documentation Centre’ published on the website: https://ees.kuleuven.be/soil-monoliths/wrb-documentation-centre/
Great thanks to Seppe Deckers and Freddy Nachtergaele for their governance and commitment.
You can support this project by providing the missing documentation (you can check the needs in ‘Typifying Pedons’ chapters for each RSG).
A discussion forum was launched on our website to facilitate discussion on WRB related topics: https://wrb.isric.org/discussion-forum/
For 2025, Rendzina has been elected the Soil of the Year in Germany, while Podzol in Poland. You may find more information on the respective websites:
- German Soil Science Society: https://www.dbges.de/
- Soil Science Society of Poland: https://ptgleb.pl/en/
Follow us on X: https://x.com/wrb2022
Cezary Kabala and Stephan Mantel